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Hazel Mitchell

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Hazel Mitchell Empty Hazel Mitchell

Message par kenavo Mar 2 Juil - 0:55

Hazel Mitchell A8378

Hazel Mitchell est auteure-illustratrice.

son site

Life is a lot like Jazz
Best when you improvise

George Gershwin

Messages : 32084
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2016


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Hazel Mitchell Empty Re: Hazel Mitchell

Message par kenavo Mar 2 Juil - 0:55

Hazel Mitchell Aa5097
Sweet Pea Summer
Présentation de l’éditeur
A young girl must stay with her grandparents while her mother is in the hospital. At first, it’s hard at first to focus on anything but missing and worrying about her mom. But then Grandpa suggests that she help out in his garden. And what a garden it is! There are rows and rows of vegetables and all kinds of flowers, but the most beautiful of all are Grandpa’s sweet peas. Maybe, Grandpa suggests, she can take care of them over the summer and enter them into the flower show when the season ends. The problem is, nothing seems to go right with the sweet peas. No matter what she does, the flowers keep dying. Until finally, the mystery is solved—but will the sweet peas bloom in time for the show? If only her mother were there . . . With warm, child-friendly illustrations and a simple narration, author-illustrator Hazel Mitchell tells a timeless story about holding on to hope in hard times and finding the strength and determination to see it through. A brief author’s note at the end offers a bit of history and a few details about sweet peas for aspiring gardeners.
À part le sujet du jardin, je dois dire que c’est le graphisme de Hazel Mitchell qui m’a amené vers cet album.

Et j’en ressors conquise.

Une belle histoire et une très belle adaptation en image.

En voici une bonne façon de passer son été.

J’en redemande.

Hazel Mitchell Aaa3551

Hazel Mitchell Aaaa4926

Hazel Mitchell Aaaa4925

Life is a lot like Jazz
Best when you improvise

George Gershwin

Messages : 32084
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2016


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Hazel Mitchell Empty Re: Hazel Mitchell

Message par kenavo Mar 6 Aoû - 7:45

Histoire : Dianne Moritz

Hazel Mitchell A8400
1, 2, 3 ... by the Sea
Présentation de l’éditeur
1, 2, 3 ... By the Sea has lots and lots of things to look at on every single page, and children will love to point things out, name them, and count them. This rhyming, exuberant celebration of the joy that comes from being outdoors can be counted on to engage and entertain beach-goers of all ages.
En été, j’adore visiter la mer dans mes lectures.

Quelle meilleure façon de le faire avec de bels albums qui montrent toute la beauté de la plage, de la mer et de toutes les activités autour.

Dans ce livre il y a aussi le petit plus de pouvoir compter jusqu’à dix, mais le charme y est à 100 %, n’importe si on a besoin d’apprendre son 1, 2, 3…

Hazel Mitchell A8399

Hazel Mitchell Aaaa4932

Hazel Mitchell Aaa3554

Life is a lot like Jazz
Best when you improvise

George Gershwin

Messages : 32084
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2016


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Hazel Mitchell Empty Re: Hazel Mitchell

Message par Aeriale Mar 6 Aoû - 9:11

C’est tout mimi!! 

Et une façon sympa d’apprendre aux plus jeunes quelques mots d’anglais..

Messages : 11830
Date d'inscription : 30/11/2016

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Hazel Mitchell Empty Re: Hazel Mitchell

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