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Elizabeth Daly

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Elizabeth Daly - Page 2 Empty Re: Elizabeth Daly

Message par kenavo Lun 4 Nov - 0:25

Elizabeth Daly - Page 2 A8538
And Dangerous to Know
Présentation de l’éditeur
Alice Dunbar was a very proper Upper East Side woman with a very boring life. There is, in fact, absolutely no reason why she should go missing, and yet that’s exactly what she does. One hot summer day, shortly after an elderly aunt’s funeral, Alice Dunbar changes into a new outfit, puts on some make-up, and slips into a subway car, not to be seen again. Where was she going? Amateur detective Henry Gamadge, on the case after the police have failed to locate Alice, tracks down her last trip and uncovers a secret life that’s stranger than fiction...
En voici une enquête qui va figurer parmi mes préférées.

C‘est bien rythmé, aucun moment pour s’ennuyer, un scénario qui est captivant.

Je sonne probablement étonnée, mais honnêtement, après tant de livres de cette auteure, je n’avais peut-être plus cru d’avoir un si grand coup de cœur.

Mais c’est d’autant mieux, c’est toujours bien les surprises.

En avant pour la prochaine !

Elizabeth Daly - Page 2 A8540

Life is a lot like Jazz
Best when you improvise

George Gershwin

Messages : 32526
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2016


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Elizabeth Daly - Page 2 Empty Re: Elizabeth Daly

Message par kenavo Mer 6 Nov - 6:41

Elizabeth Daly - Page 2 A8558
The Book of Crime
Présentation de l’éditeur
Young Rena Austen, newly wed, is afraid she’s made a terrible mistake. Her husband, once a dashingly romantic figure of a wounded war hero, has become a moody lay-about, and they are sharing a gloomy house on the Upper East Side of New York with his unpleasant, always-there family. When her husband reacts in a frighteningly angry way to Rena pulling a particular volume off the library shelf, she has had enough, and flees her home in fear for her life. Thankfully, Henry Gamadge is on hand to solve the mystery of the book—and the dead body that inevitably turns up.
Sniff, oh, je suis trop triste, il s’agit en effet du dernier Henry Gamadge. Pourquoi Elizabeth Daly n’était pas si prolifique que Agatha Christie ?!

Mais elle termine en toute beauté. Cette enquête est e-x-t-r-a !

Je vais quitter ce personnage et tout son petit monde avec regret.

Maintenant il me faut chercher une autre série pour bien m’endormir le soir Wink

Elizabeth Daly - Page 2 A8559

Life is a lot like Jazz
Best when you improvise

George Gershwin

Messages : 32526
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2016


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