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Rashin Kheiriyeh

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Rashin Kheiriyeh - Page 2 Empty Re: Rashin Kheiriyeh

Message par kenavo Mer 30 Aoû - 0:53

Histoire : Anne Renaud

Rashin Kheiriyeh - Page 2 A7169
Gwendolyn's Pet Garden
Présentation de l’éditeur
A unique solution is found when a little girl dreams of getting a pet.

Gwendolyn longs for a pet. What kind? Any kind! How many legs? Two, four, ten--she's not picky! But her parents have other ideas, and instead they give her . . . a box of dirt.
"It smells of swamp," Gwendolyn says--but her parents say it smells of possibilities. And once Gwendolyn gets savvy about seeds and soil, sun and shade, she finds they are right. The dirt starts performing some amazing tricks, and soon she has a whole pet garden of her very own--it might not have "any legs at all, but it was alive, and Gwendolyn could talk to it, care for it, and watch it grow."

Dynamic illustrations full of funny details show the love Gwendolyn puts into caring for her "pet," and her enthusiasm and pride are sure to inspire gardeners and aspiring gardeners alike.
Des histoires autour des jardins, il y en a plein… mais celui-ci a trouvé un point de vue tout à fait nouveau pour raconter l’aventure de Gwendolyn.

C’est marrant et bien pensé.

On suit avec plaisir les différentes étapes de cette jeune fille et de son « pet » pour découvrir à la fin son beau succès.

Rashin Kheiriyeh - Page 2 A1413

Rashin Kheiriyeh - Page 2 Aa907

Rashin Kheiriyeh - Page 2 Aaa698

Rashin Kheiriyeh - Page 2 Aaaa374

Life is a lot like Jazz
Best when you improvise

George Gershwin

Messages : 31460
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2016


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