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Natalie Nelson

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Natalie Nelson Empty Natalie Nelson

Message par kenavo Mar 14 Sep - 4:29

Natalie Nelson Aaaa2440

Natalie Nelson est une illustratrice primée, une créatrice de livres d'images et une artiste de collage.

Elle vit à Atlanta.

Source : son site

Life is a lot like Jazz
Best when you improvise

George Gershwin

Messages : 32526
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2016


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Natalie Nelson Empty Re: Natalie Nelson

Message par kenavo Mar 14 Sep - 4:29

Histoire : Frieda Wishinsky

Natalie Nelson A4495
How Emily Saved the Bridge
Présentation de l’éditeur
The Brooklyn Bridge, the iconic suspension bridge that connects Manhattan and Brooklyn, was completed in 1883. It is thanks to Emily Warren Roebling that the bridge was finished at all.

Emily was not an engineer, but she was educated in math and science. She married Washington Roebling, the chief engineer of the famous bridge. When Washington became ill from decompression sickness, Emily stepped in, doing everything from keeping the books, to carrying messages for her husband, to monitoring the construction of the bridge. She was the first person to cross the Brooklyn Bridge when it opened.
Emily, who went on to study law among many other accomplishments, is an inspiration to all, as demonstrated through Frieda Wishinsky's informative and engaging text and Natalie Nelson's distinctive collage illustrations. Speech bubbles revealing imagined dialogue add a playful note to this historical account, which includes fascinating facts about the Brooklyn Bridge and a further reading list.
Et oui, une biographie romancée de plus… je ne peux pas résister au genre Wink

Mais je viens surtout de découvrir une nouvelle artiste. J’en rencontre de plus en plus qui combinent illustrations et collage, j’adore !

Malheureusement pas de version française et je ne saurais pas dire s’il va y avoir une traduction.

J’en ressors en tout cas très satisfaite.

Je viens non seulement de découvrir l’art de Natalie Nelson, mais en plus je ne savais pas quel impact Emily Roebling a eu lors de la construction du pont de Brooklyn.

Une femme extraordinaire ! Chapeau bas !

Natalie Nelson Aa2908

Natalie Nelson Aaa2072

Natalie Nelson Aaaa2441

Life is a lot like Jazz
Best when you improvise

George Gershwin

Messages : 32526
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2016


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