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In English please [albums jeunesse]

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In English please [albums jeunesse] - Page 2 Empty Re: In English please [albums jeunesse]

Message par kenavo Mar 6 Déc - 3:28

Histoire : Susan L Gong, Illustrations : Masahiro Tateishi
In English please [albums jeunesse] - Page 2 A6501

Ming's Christmas Wishes
Présentation de l’éditeur
Ming wishes for three things at Christmas. First, to sing in the school Christmas choir. Second, to have a Christmas tree like the one in the department store window. And third, to feel she belongs somewhere.
As a daughter of immigrants in 1930s California, Ming is often treated differently than other children at school. She's pointedly not invited to sing in the Christmas choir. At home, when Ming lobbies her parents for a Christmas tree, her mother scolds her for trying to be American. Ming doesn't seem to fit in anywhere: she's not quite American enough at school, not quite Chinese enough at home.
Seeing his daughter's unhappiness, Pop takes her into the mountains to visit a wise old friend. Always happy for an adventure with her kind father, Ming hopes to persuade Pop to bring home a mountain pine to be their Christmas tree. But he has something else in mind, something that will help Ming draw strength from nature, from their Chinese heritage, and from deep and enduring family ties.
In English please [albums jeunesse] - Page 2 A1202

En effet, Ming n’a pas la vie facile entre les deux cultures dans lesquelles elle grandit.

Mais son père va trouver une première solution en ce qui concerne son souhait pour un arbre de Noël.

J’ai beaucoup aimé aussi bien l’histoire que le graphisme.

Très beau moment de lecture.

In English please [albums jeunesse] - Page 2 Aa4093

In English please [albums jeunesse] - Page 2 Aaa2909

In English please [albums jeunesse] - Page 2 Aaaa3886

Life is a lot like Jazz
Best when you improvise

George Gershwin

Messages : 32068
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2016


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