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Paula White

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Paula White Empty Paula White

Message par kenavo Ven 3 Mai - 0:35

Paula White A8197

Paula White a grandi au bord de la mer et a travaillé comme artiste et designer textile ainsi que comme professeur de dessin et de gravure.

The Baker by the Sea (Le boulanger au bord de la mer) est son premier livre d'images.

Elle vit dans le Suffolk, en Angleterre.

Source : Éditeur

son site

Life is a lot like Jazz
Best when you improvise

George Gershwin

Messages : 32052
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2016


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Paula White Empty Re: Paula White

Message par kenavo Ven 3 Mai - 0:35

Paula White Aaaa4802
The Baker by the Sea
Présentation de l’éditeur
A lyrical, richly illustrated story explores a child's relationship with his sleepy seaside fishing town.
If you keep walking over the hills and across the fields, you will come to the edge, where the land meets the sea. And on this edge lies a village. This is my home.

In this village by the sea, a young boy notes the roles that each person in town plays. Everyone is busy: the blacksmith, the boatbuilder, the baker. But most important of all, the boy thinks, are the fishermen who bring in the catch, braving the waves and windy weather to return with the finest, freshest fish.

His father is a baker, but the boy wants to be a daring fisherman when he grows up, undaunted by the stormy seas. "Have you ever been to sea?" the boy asks his father. Surely sailing out on the wet and wild waves to feed the town is the most meaningful job of all. More meaningful than a baker.

In this softly drawn look at an enduring way of life, Paula White provides a timeless reminder that everyone--and every role--is essential, no matter how small or quiet they may seem.
Paula White A8198

Très belle histoire concernant l’héritage d’un père pour son fils.

Un jeune garçon qui va apprendre à apprécier le travail de son père.

Les illustrations de Paula White sont vraiment extraordinaires.

J’ai adoré découvrir ce premier album de sa part. J’espère qu’il va y avoir d’autres.

Paula White Aa4998

Paula White Aaa3485

Paula White Aaaa4805

Paula White Aaaa4804

Paula White Aaaa4803

Life is a lot like Jazz
Best when you improvise

George Gershwin

Messages : 32052
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2016


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