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Jon-Erik Lappano

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Jon-Erik Lappano Empty Jon-Erik Lappano

Message par kenavo Dim 20 Nov - 6:19

Jon-Erik Lappano A6471

Jon-Erik Lappano est une personne qui veille trop tard pour travailler sur des choses, notamment écrire des livres pour enfants.

Source : son site

Jon-Erik Lappano A1193

Life is a lot like Jazz
Best when you improvise

George Gershwin

Messages : 31460
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2016


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Jon-Erik Lappano Empty Re: Jon-Erik Lappano

Message par kenavo Dim 20 Nov - 6:20

Illustrations: Kellen Hatanaka

Jon-Erik Lappano A1663
Tokyo Digs a Garden
Présentation de l‘éditeur
Tokyo lives in a small house between giant buildings with his family and his cat, Kevin. For years, highways and skyscrapers have been built up around the family's house where once there were hills and trees. Will they ever experience the natural world again?
One day, an old woman offers Tokyo seeds, telling him they will grow into whatever he wishes. T
okyo and his grandfather are astonished when the seeds grow into a forest so lush that it takes over the entire city overnight. Soon the whole city has gone wild, with animals roaming where cars once drove. But is this a problem to be surmounted, or a new way of living to be embraced?
WithTokyo Digs a Garden, Jon-Erik Lappano and Kellen Hatanaka have created a thoughtful and inspiring fable of environmentalism and imagination.
Pour l’instant il n’y a pas de livres en version française disponible, ni pour l’auteur, ni pour l’illustrateur.
Je mets donc mon commentaire sur ce fil avec les jardins.

Un album dans la veine de La maison fleurit par Kang-mi Yoon.

Mais contrairement à cet album où il n’y a qu’une maison qui fleurit… chez Lappano/Hatanaka toute la ville va devenir jardin.

J’adore cette histoire… et surtout j’aime beaucoup le graphisme.

En voilà donc tout pour me plaire.

Grand coup de cœur.

Jon-Erik Lappano Aa1173

Jon-Erik Lappano Aaa735

Jon-Erik Lappano Aaaa463

Jon-Erik Lappano Aaaaa606

Jon-Erik Lappano Aaaaa605

Life is a lot like Jazz
Best when you improvise

George Gershwin

Messages : 31460
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2016


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Jon-Erik Lappano Empty Re: Jon-Erik Lappano

Message par kenavo Dim 20 Nov - 6:21

Illustrations: Kellen Hatanaka

Jon-Erik Lappano A2423
Maggie’s Treasure
Présentation de l’éditeur
When Maggie’s treasure collection grows too big to manage, she finds a creative solution.
Maggie finds treasure wherever she goes. Whether it’s a button, a feather or a shiny stone, she picks it up and takes it home. At first the neighbors and city workers are grateful to Maggie for cleaning up; the mayor even gives her an award. But over time Maggie’s collection grows bigger and bigger, until it spills out of her house and garden in an unsightly mess. Her parents tell her “Enough treasure!” and eventually even Maggie realizes that something must be done.
Finally, inspired by a bird outside her window, she finds a way to share her treasure that enchants and transforms the entire neighborhood.
Jon-Erik Lappano and Kellen Hatanaka, winners of the Governor General’s Literary Award for Tokyo Digs a Garden, have created a stunning picture book about a child who turns her passion for collecting into a pleasure for her community.
Je suis tombée amoureuse de Maggie.

Et non seulement parce que j’étais une collectionneuse aussi férue qu’elle.

Si on aime le graphisme de Kellen Hatanaka, en voilà un autre bijou de lui.

En plus c’est le deuxième album en collaboration avec Jon-Erik Lappano. Il a le don d’écrire de bien belles histoires.

J’espère vraiment de tout coeur qu’une maison d’édition française va découvrir cet artiste et son monde extraordinaire drunken

Jon-Erik Lappano Aa1667

Jon-Erik Lappano Aaa1120

Jon-Erik Lappano Aaaa691

Life is a lot like Jazz
Best when you improvise

George Gershwin

Messages : 31460
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2016


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Jon-Erik Lappano Empty Re: Jon-Erik Lappano

Message par kenavo Dim 20 Nov - 6:22

Illustrations : Josée Bisaillon

Jon-Erik Lappano A6472
Martin and the River
Présentation de l’éditeur
Faced with moving away from his beloved river in the country, Martin discovers it is possible to make a meaningful connection to nature in the city, too, and find ways to accept changes beyond his control.
Martin loves to play by the river near his house. He watches the great blue herons and looks for crayfish and otters. He builds forts and lies in the tall grass near the water. But one day Martin's parents tell him they have to move away, to the city.
The family spend a day in the city, exploring their future home. Martin rides the subway, visits the market, explores the museum and watches a street performer, but none of the city's charms can compare with the river. Then his parents show him a small stream running through the park, and Martin senses something familiar in the air.
When moving day arrives, Martin fills a small glass jar with river water as a keepsake. And when he returns to the stream, he discovers that his connection to nature can be just as wondrous in the city.
This poetic story looks at the special relationship between an imaginative child and the natural world, and explores how that connection can be nurtured and recreated in a new place.
Jon-Erik Lappano A1194

Jon-Erik Lappano a un tel don pour raconter de belles histoires. Chaque album de lui est un bijou. Je les aime tous.

Celui-ci ne fait exception.

Retrouver l’art de Josée Bisaillon est aussi une joie. Son graphisme s’associe bien avec cette histoire de Martin.

Quel beau moment de lecture.

Jon-Erik Lappano Aa756

Jon-Erik Lappano Aaa591

Jon-Erik Lappano Aaaa314

Life is a lot like Jazz
Best when you improvise

George Gershwin

Messages : 31460
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2016


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Jon-Erik Lappano Empty Re: Jon-Erik Lappano

Message par kenavo Ven 30 Déc - 3:12

Illustrations : Byron Eggenschwiler

Jon-Erik Lappano A6469
Song for the Snow
Présentation de l’éditeur
Can a long-forgotten song bring the snow back to Freya's town?
Freya has always loved the snow and the way it covers everything like powdered sugar. But the snow hasn't come to her town for two winters, and she's starting to forget what it looks and feels like. When will it be cold? When will it snow again?
One day Freya finds a snow globe at the market. It plays the melody of a song that the townspeople sang for generations to call the snow home. Freya's own grandmother used to sing it to her mother on cold winter nights. Every morning, Freya takes the snow globe outside and sings the song, but still there is no snow ... until she has the idea to share the song. Soon everyone in town is singing it, and then, early one morning, the winds change.
Jon-Erik Lappano and Byron Eggenschwiler have created an eloquent fable about remembering past traditions, our connection to nature and caring for a world threatened by climate change through shared effort and hope.
Jon-Erik Lappano Aaaa3860

Le message de cet album est très positif, bien que je suis d’avis qu’on ne va pas pouvoir retrouver de la neige pendant l’hiver en chantant...

Mais je ne vais pas dénigrer mon plaisir de cette lecture, c’était un trop beau moment.

Byron Eggenschwiler sait créer de vrai chef-d’œuvre et une fois de plus il m’a conquise.

Je vais garder la jeune Freya en bonne mémoire et si cela va pouvoir aider, je commence aussi à chanter la chanson de la neige… qui sait, cela peut l’amener vraiment…

Jon-Erik Lappano Aa4078

Jon-Erik Lappano Aaa2896

Jon-Erik Lappano Aaaa3859

Life is a lot like Jazz
Best when you improvise

George Gershwin

Messages : 31460
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2016


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