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Leslie Evans

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Leslie Evans Empty Leslie Evans

Message par kenavo Lun 4 Mar - 6:27

Leslie Evans A397

Leslie Evans est une graveuse et illustratrice située à Watertown, Massachusetts.

Life is a lot like Jazz
Best when you improvise

George Gershwin

Messages : 32478
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2016


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Leslie Evans Empty Re: Leslie Evans

Message par kenavo Lun 4 Mar - 6:28

Bon, je commence avec une série qui est pour l’instant pas disponible (à moins qu’on veut dépenser une fortune).

C’est dommage puisque j’adore les saisons et les différentes façons d’en parler.

Selon les images trouvées sur internet se sont de très beaux albums.

Auteur : Steven Schnur

Leslie Evans A413
An Alphabet Acrostic

Présentation de l’éditeur
The pleasures of spring, from April to Zenith, are captured in twenty-six short poems. New grass and daffodils, hopscotch and kite flying, kittens under the porch and baby birds under the eaves are the subjects of Steven Schnur's evocative verses and Leslie Evans's luminous linoleum-cut illustrations. When read vertically, each poem reveals a playful acrostic, making every handsomely designed page a double treat for the eye as well as a joyous tribute to the season.
Leslie Evans Aa269

Leslie Evans A415
An Alphabet Acrostic

Présentation de l’éditeur
Sandy beaches, juicy watermelons, and porch swings are just a few of the warm-weather delights featured in this inventive alphabet of acrostic poems about summer. Like the previous seasonal collaborations from Steven Schnur and Leslie Evans, Autumn and Spring, this book contains twenty-six poems, alphabetically arranged. Each reveals a playful acrostic when read vertically, and each is accompanied by a glowing woodcut illustration.
Leslie Evans Aa270

Leslie Evans A433
An Alphabet Acrostic

Présentation de l’éditeur
One brief acrostic poem for each letter of the alphabet from acorn to zero follows the fall season from end of summer to chilly conclusion.
Leslie Evans Aa272

Leslie Evans A434
An Alphabet Acrostic

Présentation de l’éditeur
Sleds sailing downhill on newly fallen snow, animals nestled deep in underground burrows, and families gathered hearthside to share the joys of the season are among the alphabet of cold-weather delights celebrated in 26 acrostic poems, alphabetically arranged. The colors and textures of winter—the cool blue of icy ponds and the golden glow of holiday candles—are gloriously captured in linoleum-cut illustrations.
Leslie Evans Aa274

Life is a lot like Jazz
Best when you improvise

George Gershwin

Messages : 32478
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2016


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Leslie Evans Empty Re: Leslie Evans

Message par kenavo Lun 4 Mar - 6:28

Auteur: Jerry Pallotta

Leslie Evans A399
The Yummy Alphabet Book
Herbs, Spices, and Other Natural Flavors

Présentation de l’éditeur
Welcome to a delectable alphabet adventure. While on your way to "Z is for Zatar," relish the savory Mustard, the aromatic Spearmint, and the spicy Wasabi. You'll also want to try the Kola, the Vanilla, and especially the Xocoatl!

Mouth-watering illustrations and informative, child-appealing text makes this a delicious treat for hungry readers.
Après quelques lectures « adultes » autour de la cuisine/nourriture, il était aussi le bon moment de retrouver le sujet dans un album jeunesse.

Première rencontre avec Leslie Evans. J’aime bien son graphisme.

Mais plus encore j’adore toutes les informations que Jerry Pallotta partage avec ses lecteurs. Rare qu’un a.b.c. m’a procuré autant de plaisir.

Leslie Evans A27

Leslie Evans Aa1014

Leslie Evans Aaa3381

Life is a lot like Jazz
Best when you improvise

George Gershwin

Messages : 32478
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2016


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