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Frank Morrison

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Frank Morrison Empty Frank Morrison

Message par kenavo Lun 27 Mar - 4:48

Frank Morrison A6902

Frank Morrison a commencé son parcours en tant que graffeur dans le New Jersey, en taguant les murs avec de la peinture en aérosol.

Ce n'est que lorsqu'il a visité le musée du Louvre à Paris avec son groupe de danse qu'il a réalisé que la peinture était sa véritable voie créative.

Source: son site

Life is a lot like Jazz
Best when you improvise

George Gershwin

Messages : 32068
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2016


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Frank Morrison Empty Re: Frank Morrison

Message par kenavo Lun 27 Mar - 4:49

Frank Morrison A6903

Frank Morrison Aa4322

Frank Morrison Aaa648

Life is a lot like Jazz
Best when you improvise

George Gershwin

Messages : 32068
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2016


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Frank Morrison Empty Re: Frank Morrison

Message par kenavo Lun 27 Mar - 4:49

Histoire : Carole Boston Weatherford

Frank Morrison A3092
Aretha Franklin, the Queen of Soul

Présentation de l’éditeur
From a New York Times bestselling author and an acclaimed illustrator comes this vibrant portrait of Aretha Franklin that pays her the R-E-S-P-E-C-T this Queen of Soul deserves.

Aretha Franklin was born to sing. The daughter of a pastor and a gospel singer, her musical talent was clear from her earliest days in her father’s Detroit church where her soaring voice spanned more than three octaves.

Her string of hit songs earned her the title “the Queen of Soul,” multiple Grammy Awards, and a place in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. But Aretha didn’t just raise her voice in song, she also spoke out against injustice and fought for civil rights.

This authoritative, rhythmic picture book biography will captivate young readers with Aretha’s inspiring story.
Frank Morrison Aaaa1342

En 2009, elle a chanté lors de l’inauguration de Barack Obama

Judith Perrignon la mentionne dans son roman et ainsi j’ai prolongé mon séjour à Detroit en compagnie de cette chanteuse hors norme.

N’importe son succès national et international, à Detroit elle restait Ree-Ree… et on sent cette attitude à travers tout son personnage, toute sa biographie.

Très bel hommage !

Frank Morrison Aa2067

Frank Morrison Aaa1451

Frank Morrison Aaaa910

Life is a lot like Jazz
Best when you improvise

George Gershwin

Messages : 32068
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2016


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Frank Morrison Empty Re: Frank Morrison

Message par kenavo Lun 27 Mar - 4:50

Histoire : Bernette Ford

Frank Morrison A6904
Uncle John's City Garden
Présentation de l’éditeur
How does this city garden grow? With help from L’il Sissy and her siblings--and love, love, love! A celebration of nature, family, and food.

Visiting the city  from her home in the suburbs, an African American girl sees how a few packets of seeds, some helping hands, and hard work transform an empty lot in a housing project into a magical place where vegetables grow and family gathers. It’s the magic of nature in the heart of the city!

Bernette Ford’s autobiographical story is a loving glimpse at a girl, her siblings, and her uncle, and  their shared passion for farming. L’l Sissy’s fascination with measurement, comparison, and estimation introduces children to STEM concepts. And the progress of Uncle John’s garden introduces readers to the life cycle of plants.

Frank Morrison depicts dramatic cityscapes as well as the luscious colors and textures of Nature.
Frank Morrison Aa840

Après tous ces albums qui sont ancrés autour du sujet du jardin, je donne certainement l’impression de « experte du jardinage »


Mais quand il s’agit d’histoires et images… je suis toujours partante. J’adore !

Et voici un autre épisode qui va s’ajouter à ma collection.

En plus cela fût le bon moment d’ouvrir le fil de Frank Morrison. Extra !

Très beau séjour dans ce jardin.

Frank Morrison A1318

Frank Morrison Aaa649

Frank Morrison Aaaa352

Life is a lot like Jazz
Best when you improvise

George Gershwin

Messages : 32068
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2016


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Frank Morrison Empty Re: Frank Morrison

Message par kenavo Jeu 10 Aoû - 6:41

Histoire : Gene Barretta

Frank Morrison A6937
The Secret Garden of
George Washington Carver

Présentation de l’éditeur
When George Washington Carver was just a young child, he had a secret: a garden of his own.
Here, he rolled dirt between his fingers to check if plants needed more rain or sun. He protected roots through harsh winters, so plants could be reborn in the spring. He trimmed flowers, spread soil, studied life cycles. And it was in this very place that George’s love of nature sprouted into something so much more—his future.
Gene Barretta’s moving words and Frank Morrison’s beautiful paintings tell the inspiring life and history of George Washington Carver, from a baby born into slavery to celebrated botanist, scientist, and inventor. His passion and determination are the seeds to this lasting story about triumph over hardship—a tale that begins in a secret garden.
Découvert naturellement à cause du  mot magique « garden », mais il s’agit de bien plus.

Je n’ai non seulement rencontré pour la première fois George Washington Carver (quel personnage inspirant!), mais Gene Barretta a écrit une passionnante biographie de sa vie. Extra.

Et les images de Frank Morrison sont classes. Trop belles.

Frank Morrison Aa4341

Frank Morrison Aaa3061

Frank Morrison Aaaa4160

Frank Morrison Aaaa4161

Life is a lot like Jazz
Best when you improvise

George Gershwin

Messages : 32068
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2016


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Frank Morrison Empty Re: Frank Morrison

Message par kenavo Lun 25 Sep - 5:17

Histoire : Dr. Michael Datcher

Frank Morrison A7489
Harlem at Four
Présentation de l’éditeur
In this beautiful picture book in two parts, meet Harlem: the girl and the neighborhood. Part one follows the adventures of a little girl named Harlem and her single father as they go on a museum “playdate” with painters Romare Bearden and Jean-Michel Basquiat, listen to John Coltrane records, and conduct science experiments in their apartment.

Part two takes us back to the fourth year of the twentieth century in Harlem the neighborhood. Here, we are introduced to Philip A. Payton Jr., aka Papa Payton, whose Afro-American Realty Company gave birth to the Black housing explosion, helping to start America's Great Black Migration. Because of Papa Peyton, Black families—like Harlem and her father a century later—could move to Harlem and thrive and flourish.

This is a completely unique, absolutely gorgeous picture book that weaves together the lives of a modern Black family and a historically Black neighborhood in New York City.
Frank Morrison A1461

Harlem doit être contente avec son papa…

J’adore le graphisme de Frank Morrison, ainsi je garde un œil sur ses publications. Celui-ci vient tout juste de paraître.

Très bel album avec en première partie la relation entre un père et sa fille, Harlem, nommée ainsi à cause du quartier.

Ensuite on va visiter ce quartier de New York et rencontrer quelques fameux habitants du passé.

Une très belle dynamique dans les images qui donnent vie aux mots de Michael Datcher.

J’en ressors enthousiaste de ma visite à Harlem… et d’avoir fait connaissance avec cette jeune fille au même nom Wink

Frank Morrison Aa4620

Frank Morrison Aaa3240

Frank Morrison Aaaa4413

Life is a lot like Jazz
Best when you improvise

George Gershwin

Messages : 32068
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2016


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Frank Morrison Empty Re: Frank Morrison

Message par kenavo Mar 9 Jan - 0:17

Histoire : Janelle Harper

Frank Morrison A7794
My Block Looks Like
Présentation de l’éditeur
"My block looks like
a collision of cultures
a melting pot of cool
a burst of life
my favorite groove

. . .No matter what happens
I’ve seen it for myself
my block looks like
the coolest place
I’ve ever been."

A lyrical and proud picture book that recognizes the beauty of the bodegas, subways, and playgrounds that characterize everyday life in the Bronx and pays homage to the ways that its residents have shaped pop culture through music, visual art and dance.

It offers kids a reaffirming message to celebrate and uplift their communities in an energetic text that begs to be read aloud.
Frank Morrison A7795

uhuh… ça swing, ça bouge, les mots donnent le rythme et c’est une joie de suivre cette jeune fille dans son quartier.

Le Hip-hop vit toujours et dans cet album la musique crée par ce texte est formidable.

Je ne figure pas dans la première ligne des fans, mais quand il s’agit de magie, de mots, d’une atmosphère extra – j’en suis !

Les images de Frank Morris sont époustouflantes drunken

Frank Morrison Aa4796

Frank Morrison Aaa3351

Frank Morrison Aaaa4609

Frank Morrison Aaaa4608

Frank Morrison Aaaa4610

Life is a lot like Jazz
Best when you improvise

George Gershwin

Messages : 32068
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2016


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Frank Morrison Empty Re: Frank Morrison

Message par kenavo Dim 28 Juil - 6:30

Texte : Carole Boston Weatherford

Frank Morrison A8382
Standing in the Need of Prayer
A Modern Retelling of the Classic Spiritual

Présentation de l’éditeur
This inspirational book encapsulates African American history and invites conversations at all levels. Stretching more than four hundred years, this book features pivotal moments in history, such as the arrival of enslaved people in Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619; Nat Turner's rebellion; the integration of the US military; the Selma to Montgomery marches; and peaceful present-day protests. It also celebrates the feats of African American musicians and athletes, such as Duke Ellington and Florence Griffith Joyner.
Visually stunning and incredibly timely, this book reckons with a painful history while serving as a testament to the human spirit's ability to persevere in even the most hopeless of circumstances. Its universal message of faith, strength, and resilience will resonate with readers of all ages.

Carole Boston Weatherford’s riveting text and Frank Morrison’s evocative and detailed paintings are informative reminders of yesterday, hopeful images for today, and aspirational dreams of tomorrow.
Frank Morrison Aaaa4928

Avant de parler du texte de Carole Boston Weatherford, je voudrais dire que cet album a certainement la couverture la plus extraordinaire. J’adorais l’art de Frank Morrison déjà avant, mais là, il s’est surpassé. Wow !

À travers des moments clés dans l’histoire des Noirs en Amérique (entre 1800 et aujourd’hui), l’auteur raconte leur histoire.

C’est impressionnant, par moment effrayant, inspirant et certainement un album extraordinaire.

Frank Morrison Aa5100

Frank Morrison Aaa3552

Frank Morrison Aaaa4929

Life is a lot like Jazz
Best when you improvise

George Gershwin

Messages : 32068
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2016


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